Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wells Fargo and CRA Requirements

Thanks Norris for the info. There really is a large number of studies and case models on entrepreneurship and youth entrepreneurship that are almost turn key in their application. Here is a link to a program called "Hands on Banking", put together by Wells Fargo as part of their CRA requirements. The bi-lingual course and materials include components on: Starting and managing a small business; investing and financial planning; Budgeting; Credit and Credit Repair; higher education; buying a home; etc.

The link is

Have a good day

Monday, June 23, 2008

More on Youth and Entrepreneurship!

Thanks, Brandon!

Just got back from the Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference
( ) & lots of talk about these issues.
The article is a bit dated (and like everyone else, they kinda miss the real point of the "Heffalump" metaphor - doesn't anyone read Winnie the Pooh any more? LOL) but that's no big deal.

Paul Reynolds (in the article) is amazing - he's now semi-retired but without him, neither GEM nor PSED would have worked. Anyway, Shane, this has some relevance to your question about metrics.

We do know more about entrepreneurship than most people (and most policy makers) realize. In fact, there's tons of data now - hard to use & sometime hard to access, but there's progress. (Where there's data, policy wonks will follow... LOL) The graph I attached to the email is a powerful one for me. [or: ]

You want to answer "Why entrepreneurship?"... that's it. Zoltan Acs did some serious data-crunching to show that pattern is robust across time & industry sectors.

There is some research underway to look at barriers to entrepreneurship that I can tell you more about, if you like. (And if not... I'll shut up. Even though it's interesting! LOL)

Cheap plug for Pronetos here!! - I had stashed a number of documents on youth entrepreneurship and on other rural/local entrepreneurship ideas. You can go to & look for "Rural/Local Entrepreneurship" or

The items specifically covering youth entrepreneurship include: (others include articles 103, 104, 105, 106, 133 & 137 , but...

If you click one link, click on ....

In November, the inaugural Global Entrepreneurship Week debuts - it's a youth-oriented extravaganza ( that could be pretty special. I have an "in" with the State Director for Global Entrep Week, so we could have some fun!

We *already* have a VERY interesting offer for an eventwith national implications during that week... more, if you're interested.

[Also, this overlaps with National Farm-City Week, which is reportedly getting resurrected in Idaho -- an opportunity for urban & rural folks to celebrate their interdependencies. Entrepreneurship is clearly a great commonality for rural & urban alike, eh?]

p.s. and did I mention ??

Monday, June 16, 2008

IDA programs and explanation

Good Evening all,
Here is the CFED website, which provides info and access to a number of their programs. I have worked with them on several projects, and found them to be knowledgeable, and flexible. Their resources are also good. Here is the link to their site. Browse the IDA section, but there is also some other interesting programs.

I think that an IDA type program would be good for Young entrepreneurs, and for Vets. Young people could start a program while in high school (age 16) and by the time they graduate, could use the match for a votech type of program, or starting their own business, or for continuing their education. Vets could do the same thing.
I have a number of good training materials for the IDA program, and have seen its positive effect.
Let me know what you think.

Have a good night gary

Friday, June 13, 2008

Another test & some info

Joe had asked me to develop a list of the best practices that made the most sense for us - it's framed in the form of a draft proposal, but think of it as talking points.

As we can't post documents here directly, the doc is posted at Pronetos (Shane's site) at:
(under in the "Rural/Local Entrepreneurship" category )

I would only ask that you don't share this doc outside this list. Seagulls abound! (for Finding Nemo fans...)


Let's Get Started

The Workforce Development Alliance Board will meet next Thursday, June 19th at 12:30 P.M. in the Magic Valley Department of Labor office on Falls Ave. in Twin Falls. Contact Candy McElfresh for more information. (The executive committee for this board is meeting just before.)

There I will give an update on the Entrepreneurship Development Committee, as well as an introduction of TechConnect. Is there anything you would like me to bring up?

Comment for Candy: I know it is a little early for this, but I would be interested in learning whether or not there will be a dedicated website for the South-Central Idaho WIRED initiative (as there are for other WIRED regions - and if so, this might be another opportunity to promote whatever programs/initiatives originate from this group.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

$$$ for New Charter Schools



no longer Blog Challenged

I'm on! My first ever blog entry. Now I can tell my 12 year old, he isn't the only one in the family who blogs.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Test 2 - authorized author

Shane authorized me to create topics to post. This is easy!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

First Post

I am still trying to figure out how to authorize anyone to post to this blog.