Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wells Fargo and CRA Requirements

Thanks Norris for the info. There really is a large number of studies and case models on entrepreneurship and youth entrepreneurship that are almost turn key in their application. Here is a link to a program called "Hands on Banking", put together by Wells Fargo as part of their CRA requirements. The bi-lingual course and materials include components on: Starting and managing a small business; investing and financial planning; Budgeting; Credit and Credit Repair; higher education; buying a home; etc.

The link is

Have a good day

1 comment:

Norris Krueger said...

Thanks, Gary - The Wells Fargo approach is regarded highly - banks would actually prefer to not throw away CRA expenditures, LOL.

The feds developed a free 'textbook' that you can download ( ) called "Money Math 2008".

I'd also suggest that we might want to be in touch with the Nevada-Idaho CDFI ( - their immediate past prez is some guy named Herring, LOL. (I'm guessing they're already aware of WIRED...)

Anyway, it seems that maybe we need to make sure that we fold some of this into whatever we opt to do!